HEI Research Planning Workshop #3: Community Exposures to Produced Water

August 6, 2024

HEI’s Energy Research Program hosted a Research Planning Workshop to identify gaps in understanding about potential community exposures associated with oil and gas wastewater (called “produced water”) use outside the oilfield. At the workshop, representatives from industry, academia, government and NGOs shared their perspectives and priorities for research. Discussions at the workshop will help to inform the Energy Research Committee’s strategic research planning. 


Welcome & Introduction

Panel 1: What is in produced water?

Facilitator by G. Hornberger, Vanderbilt University

  • Ryan Hall, NGL Energy Partners, Director, Technical Operations
  • Aaron Jubb, Research Chemist with the USGS Geology, Energy & Minerals (GEM) Science Center in Reston, Virginia
  • Holly Puglis, Research Ecologist with the Columbia Environmental Research Center at USGS  
  • James Rosenblum, CO School of Mines, Assistant Research Prof, WE2ST Water Technology Hub 

Group Exercise #1

All Workshop Participants

Group Exercise #1: Group Discussion & Report Back

  • What do we already understand well about produced water composition?
  • What research is needed to better characterize produced water?
  • Do these research needs differ by location (e.g., state and basin)? Do they differ by anticipated use
  • Is research needed on treatment options?

Panel 2: What produced water uses are being contemplated outside of the oil field?

Facilitator by Nathanial Warner, The Pennsylvania State University

  • Hope Dalton, Director, Colorado Produced Water Consortium 
  • Rusty Smith, Executive Director, Texas Produced Water Consortium  
  • Pei Xu, Professor, NMSU, Research Director of the New Mexico Produced Water Research Consortium 

Panel 3: What do we know about the fate and transport of produced water following release to the environment?

Facilitator by G. Hornberger, Vanderbilt University

  • Thomas Borch, Professor in the Department of Soil and Crop Sciences, with joint appointments in the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, and Department of Chemistry, Colorado State University  
  • Isabelle Cozzarelli, Research Hydrologist with the USGS Geology, Energy & Minerals (GEM) Science Center in Reston, VA 
    Isabelle Cozzarelli
  • Nathanial Warner, Associate Professor, Civil and Environmental Engineering, Penn State 

Group Exercise #3

All Workshop Participants

Group Exercise #3: Group Discussion & Report Back 

  • Do you think any of the exposures merit research, and if so, why? 
  • Considering the entirety of the day, what else do you think we need to consider? 


Donna Vorhees

Next steps in research planning and opportunities for continued participation.


The Table Mountain Inn
1310 Washington Ave
Golden, CO 80401
United States

Program Downloads

Workshop Summary469.79 KB


Donna Vorhees

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