Unconventional Oil & Natural Gas - Third Community Workshop, July 2015, Pittsburgh, PA

July 30, 2015

This third and final community workshop provided an opportunity for the HEI Special Scientific Committee to hear comments on the draft Strategic Research Agenda on the Impacts of 21st Century Oil and Gas Development in the Appalachian Region and Beyond from interested members of academia, industry, government, and non-governmental organizations. Workshop participants heard an overview of the draft Research Agenda as well as summaries of the Committee’s priority research questions organized into three general areas of research: Stressor and Exposure Characterization, Health and Well-Being, and Evaluation of Most-Effective Practices. Participants also had a chance to voice their own research questions and priorities during a facilitated discussion. Organizational support was provided by the University of Pittsburgh Institute of Politics.


Welcome and Introductions


Presentation of the Draft Research Agenda

George Hornberger
Vanderbilt University
Allen L. Robinson
Carnegie Mellon University
Susan L. Stout
USDA Forest Service
Dale P. Sandler
National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences
Human Health509.4 KB
Richard (Rick) S. Krannich
Utah State University
Vince Matthews
Leadville Geology
Alison Cullen
University of Washington

Looking Ahead: Workshop Participant Views on the draft Research Agenda

For each general area of research, we would like participants to consider the following questions:
1. Is anything missing?
2. Is there anything that doesn’t belong?
3. Are certain research topics emphasized too much or too little?
4. Is anything inaccurate?
Workshop Participants; Moderated by George Hornberger (Vanderbilt University)
Daniel Greenbaum
Health Effects Institute


Fairmont, Pittsburgh
510 Market Street
Pittsburgh, PA 15222
United States


Donna Vorhees

HEI Code of Conduct

HEI fully expects that all participants who attend any in-person or online meeting or event behave with the utmost respect for peers, colleagues, staff, volunteers, researchers, sponsors, and everyone across the HEI community. It is our sincere desire that every event, meeting, and gathering we host or participate in fosters and encourages an inclusive, positive, and welcoming environment for all. Read HEI’s full Code of Conduct Statement.